
Freemans Vitalistic

About Us

About Us

Freeman’s Chiropractic and Family Wellness has an office only minutes from Lancaster, PA.  Freeman’s offers chiropractic care and other resources for wellbeing for you and your entire family, at whatever phase of life. 

What makes your heart sing?  The potential impact of an honoring chiropractic adjustment is limitless.  When all of the various components of our neuronal system (central, peripheral, autonomic, polyvagal) is open and freely communicating, the road to recovery and optimal health are more easily and effortlessly achieved.

We are in favor of all things natural.  Looking beyond the effects as they present through the symptoms of the body, to find the causative factor.  Whether they be chemical, physical or emotional, there is no other way to explain or comprehend the shifts in these processes, both subtle and profound, than to have a direct experience with the chiropractic adjustment.


The journey, the story – convoluted, nautical, toroidal; like all patterns of nature, so is mine.

“Find the greatest void in someone’s life situation and you will most likely find their highest priority.”  Health and Art have been at the top of my list for as long as I can remember.

Something was amiss, askew, for want. Something was not quite right from an early age, lacking, in both of these areas, especially in Health.

So, the exploration. No stone left unturned, the search for what is true.

Music, poetry, prose, lyrical, drawing, painting, print-making (gum bichromate), sculpture (welding, forging, metallurgy), installations, crania-sacral therapy (bio-dynamic), massage therapy, structural integration, myofascial release (J.F. Barnes), alas – Chiropractic!

Over 1,000 hours extra-curricular in the following approaches and techniques of chiropractic: Gonstead, Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI), Network Spinal (NS), Applied Kinesiology (AK), Advanced Adjusting for the Physically Compromised, and lastly, my current mentor/teacher/friend John Martinez’ approach, Pneuma.

Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in Sculpture from Philadelphia College of Art and Design, 2002

Arizona School of Integrated Studies – 800 hours Integrated massage therapy studies, 2012

Life Chiropractic College West - Doctorate of Chiropractic, April 2023

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