
Freemans Vitalistic

Chiropractic and Family Wellness

Serving the Vitalistic Principles of Life through the honoring application of the Chiropractic Adjustment

Our Services

The Neuro-Structural approach of assessing and facilitating the correction of ‘cord and core’ tension utilizing the fundamental principle of Tone.

Initial Consultation & Adjustment

Chiropractic Adjustment

Phone Consultation

The Difference

The Neuro-Structural approach of Chiropractic; the assessment and facilitation of integration and/or dissipation of interference, ‘cord and core’ tension, utilizing the fundamental, perennial principle of tone and the application of constructive forces.

Experience the difference of a dynamic force application, reverently delivered specific to your unique system and body element composite. 

A chiropractic adjustment that requires the full participation and engagement of the recipient’s vessel.  A coming together for an ‘experience with’, rather than a ‘doing to’ as of an object. 

A global unraveling, rather than segmental mobility, one where the consideration of full body positioning, of both the ‘receiver’ and the one allowing the conveyance of forces through, with the goal and progress of care being a reintegration of parts experienced and compartmentalized and yet unknown to the conscious body/mind; the unraveling and release at the core of the neural system, the Axis Mundi, in through which the Life Essence ascends and cascades.     

You can never step in the same river twice.

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